There are some debates of the benefits off taking a cold bath or the #wimhofmethod. Off course there is and it’s a necessary part of the hole discussion, it plays a very important role because we tend to get caught up in the trend and make unrealistic expectations which can lead to unsustainable practices or in some cases unhealthy effects.
It also should make the believers do the research if they want to have informed argument, which should help you grow into more conscious and responsible Ice Cube 🙂 Usually when i see a articles that are about the unrealistic benefits of the ice bath they usually has some good points because they are comparing to the most hyped believed benefits or there aim is narrowed on specific negative effect in certain conditions.
Like increased recovery in muscles after high resistance training, when you are better of taking a sauna instead off inhibit the body respond to muscles tearing with long ice cold bath ASAP. Also they are often talking about the baths are to cold to be beneficial , which it can be for the “normal” person that doesn’t practice for example the Wim Hof method or any fundamental training for the cold exposure , these people are stressed and could be in danger of hypothermia.
Similar with 100 hour fasting, if you haven’t adapted or activated you fat burning system/genes you are in big risk off having a bad experience and effects. When practicing the Wim Hof method you learn to live the cold with breathing and fundamental understanding.
When you learn to time your ice baths and practice it regularly, many research show a healthy effects on you hormone system, muscle acidity and inflammation which helps you recover and then you will get healthier and stronger!
I’m intensely grateful for the cold and would have considered myself crazy 4 years ago but today I live the benefits and that’s why I keep doing it even though it’s often challenging.